Happy Home, Happy Family , Happy World
Happy Home, Happy Family , Happy World
Vision Search helps people make happier homes so that they are more productive in their workplaces.
Albert Einstein once said that “We Cannot Solve Our Problems with the Same Thinking We Used When We Created Them”. Let’s look at Home and homemaker with a different perspective. We all start from a Home and in this workshop we will explore whether the concepts of vision, mission, leadership exists in our homes. Is our home a smaller version of building an organization?
You will learn in this foundation course-
• Various Dimensions that make a Home.
• Making of your own Home is similar to making an organization.
• Gender Differences and similarities.
• Leadership in a Home
Who should attend-
• Professionals getting married Married adults starting family Adults trying to understand the dynamics of running a Household or someone who is wondering why is it so hard to run a household and still no one wants to talk about it
Work-Home Balance Workshop
Work life balance is a key area of concern for each employee. We all balance various aspects of our lives either it is friends, hobbies, spirituality, health, family, career etc. Each one of us have different priorities. Home is the center of our living as we might be anywhere in the world we eventually head back home.
Elements of Living- Home is at the Center
Work life balance is a key area of concern for each employee. We all balance various aspects of our lives either it is friends, hobbies, spirituality, health, family, career etc. Each one of us have different priorities. Home is the center of our living as we might be anywhere in the world we eventually head back home.
What exactly is a Home?
A personal space, a place where family is nurtured, a place for relaxation…….. Each one of us have a different definition of a Home. A house is one of the most expensive investment we make but to make a house into a home takes more than just money. It takes caring, kindness, empathy between its family members to make a Home. A home is made with both material and non-material aspect. The non-material aspect is the kindness, empathy, caring and caregiving and relationships between family members. We all start from a Home. I showcase similarity of operations between a Home and an organization to integrate work and Home for better understanding. Happy people come from happy homes and are more productive. I help integrate Home into living so that we start talking work done in a home as productive and treat it with respect.
Respect and understanding are the key characteristics required for making good relationships and our relationship with our families is of utmost importance. The longest research done by Havard to find the reason for our happiness revealed that our close relationship with our family is the source of our greatest happiness. This happiness is what makes us productive in our workplaces.
The outcome of my workshop is happiness which makes people happier and productive in their workplaces.